Berita Acara Pemeriksaan Pekerjaan Konstruksi
All companies planning to enter construction sector - companies (both existing & new companies) starting construction services or wishing to become a contractor consultant (KONTRAKTOR & KONSULTAN) in construction field need SIUJK or permit (IUJK) for construction. IUJK is a permit essential for winning a private or governmental tender, and the Board of Management Development Institutions' National Construction Services (LEMBAGA PENGENBANGAN JASA KONSTRUKSI: hereinafter referred to as LPJK) has control over IUJK LPJK grades construction companies (klasifikasi, kualifikasi dan kemampuan) for their business types, conditions and possibilities (klasifikasi, kualifikasi dan kemampuan). To get IUJK, construction company must win a tender or project, or prove its financial health in capital sector. IUJK is issued only to the companies planning to invest in Indonesia. For licensing and non-licensing of SIUJK for companies described in the Clause 37, please refer to the BKPM (Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board) Regulation No.
5 of 2013. Regulation (Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor) of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration: 24/PRT/M/2009/li Authority over granting Operation License to vocations in service industry (Rangka pelaksanaan Pelayanan) is entrusted to the representative of joint capital investment sector. For the fundamental law of IUJK applicable to non-capital investment company (private investment company, not a PMA/PMDN company), please refer to Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration NO 04/PRT/M/2011 Policy of standard for granting approval on the national construction services (IZIN USAHA JASA KONSTRUKSI NASIONAL) Amended Regulations Current regulations on the issuance of IUJK follow LPJK Regulation No. 10 announced in 2013.
In addition, Indonesia lightens taxes for companies holding IUJK. Final PPH in construction sector which is stipulated in the clause 4-2 UU PPH and PP No.51 of 2008 and JO. 40 of 2009 is issued only to a construction company that received a permit or operation license for construction services from legally authorized associations (ex. LPJK), and if a license or permit that the company is holding is valid, regulated TARIF is 2% for business operators with little capital to obtain JASA PELAKSANAAN KONSTRUKSI, 3% for business operators with medium or large capital to obtain JASA PELAKSANAAN KONSTRUKSI, and 4% to obtain a license or permit as a supervisor or PROYEKTOR JASA (applicable to little, medium and large capital) to obtain If SUB is cancelled (For example, if business operator forget to deposit money or extend SUB due to indifference or negligence), final PPH rate is applied as follows.
4% for construction of a building (JASA PELAKSANAAN KONSRTUKSI) 6% for supervisor or planner (JASA PERENCANA MAUPUN PENGAWASAN) If it turned out that a construction services provider does not hold a permit or operation license from legally authorized associations (was not issued SBU from LPJK), PPH varies from the final PPH mentioned above. IUJK Acquisition Process In business categories, make sure to classify business categories and sub-categories definitely. Confirm registration of amended business categories and sub-categories by clicking following links.BIDANG & SUB BIDANG JASA PELAKSANA KONSTRUKSI (KONTRAKTOR), JASA PERENCANA KONSTRUKSI(KONSULTAN)&JASA PENGAWAS KONSTRUKSI(KONSULTAN).
LPJK Regulation classification No. 10 amended in 2013 Construction Manager (Contractor). SBU is issued to the following construction companies in accordance with qualification and classification stipulated in LPJK regulation. Construction company or contractor wishing to carry on a business in Indonesia. Construction consultant or company with a plan for supervision. To obtain SBU, KLASIFIKASI BIDANG & SUB BIDANG for a project or tender is positively necessary.
Necessary Documents. 1. Qualifications of SKA are classified as follows. Advanced level expert.
Intermediate level expert. Beginning level expert. SKA is a regulation on the registration and authentication of construction services. One of the most important requirements for construction companies to register construction services and apply for Legal Entity Certificate(SBU) is to own professional manpower holding SKA to determine technical officer (PJT) or sector manager (PJK). SKA is a professional(Konsultan) in construction planning and supervision sector. All construction companies applying for Legal Entity Certificate(SBU), especially medium-scaled (classified as M1, M2) and large-scaled (classified as B1, B2) must designate professional manpower holding SKA as technical officer (PJT) and sector manager (PJK) in accordance with SKA regulation.
Necessary documents for obtaining SKA. Copy of KTP. Copy of Tax Identification Number(NPWP). Copy of official graduation certificate. Fact relation certificate. 3x4cm photo.
Validity of SKA SKA is valid for 3 years from the date of issuance. Technical area and subarea of SKA – Subarea of SKA in accordance with PERLEM LPJK-PU No. 6 and 7 amended in 2013 Construction Sector. SKT is classified as follows. Grade 3: Advanced level expert.
Grade 2: Intermediate level expert. Grade 1: Beginning level expert.
SKT is the regulation on the construction companies’ registration and certification (Contractor). All construction companies applying for Legal Entity Certificate(SBU) and companies that received SBU for small-sized companies must hire a person holding Skills Certificate(SKTK) as a technical officer in accordance with regulation.
SKTK is issued through another institute officially recognized by the association of construction experts or LPJK. Necessary documents for obtaining SKT. Copy of KTP. Copy of Tax Identification Number(NPWP). Copy of official graduation certificate. Fact relation certificate.
3x4 cm photo. Validity of SKT SKT is valid for 3 years from the date of issuance. Technical area and subarea of SKT – Subarea of SKT in accordance with PERLEM LPJK-PU No. 6 and 7 amended in 2013 Architecture. OHSAS Workspace Safety Management System OOHSAS 18001; 2007 is an international standard certificate on health and workplace safety management system and (K3) was announced in 2007 for the purpose of managing health and safety at the workplace in replacement of OHSAS 18001; 1999. OHSAS 18001; 2007 is the basis for effective management of K3.
K3 refers to the management regulations established in accordance with regulations of laws with respect to dangerous situations which may occur unexpectedly at the workplace and coping methods. Surat Izin Tempat Usaha SITU is a workplace permit granted to a company or person not contaminating or destroying environment of a place where workplace is established. To obtain SIUT (SURAT IZIN TEMPAT USAHA), a company must prove through various documents that it will not cause any loss or harmful influence on the place where workplace is established SITU follows fundamental law on the approval of workplace of a region where each company is located, and legal limitations vary in different localities as it is regulated on the local government’s fundamental law on the ownership. General limitations include close of business activity, and business operator may not obtain approval for other business activities.
Nuisance Act Permit(HO) is issued from a county unit which is the second level of the government, and must be extended or renewed every five years. Registered Certificate of Oil and Gas: MIGAS/SKT MIGAS (Indonesia Oil & Gas Regulatory Body) registration certificate is issued from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Processing Period: It takes 1 week to be issued if all documents are perfectly prepared and accurate. Valve aimbot v4.
Validity: SKT MIGAS (Indonesia Oil & Gas Regulatory Body) is valid for 3 years from the date of issuance. Regulation:: New registration or reregistration of all companies wishing to use energy and mineral resources shall follow Minister of Energy and Mineral Resource Regulation No.
27 announced on August 22, 2008, and process of issuance is specified in the decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resource on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) announced on June 25, 2010. 6 Issuance of SKT MIGAS Certification Maximum 5 business days. Issuance process of SKT MIGAS (Indonesia Oil & Gas Regulatory Body) application form:. A company wishing to be issued SKT MIGAS Certification must submit an application form & questionnaire to the head of Oil and Gas Department and the Directorate General of MIGAS. Applying company must fill out an application form using applicant’s data form for SKT MIGAS Certification and attach sponsor’s documents. Applying company must submit an application form to the investment service counter of MIGAS by attaching applicant’s data form. Company/individual that extended KT and is holding an effective SKT is in duty to report once every six months after being issued SKT.
Registration of product category: Director General for Oil and Gas (Dirjen Migas) registers products by dividing into 3 categories as follows based on the data, information and regulation stipulated in the SKUP MIGAS. List of essential products. List of maximum allowable products. List of delegation of product authority.
Respective standard is as follows. List of essential products is the list of products satisfying domestic quality regulations (having certificate of conformance and management system), and has TKDN+BMP Total /= 40% and TKDN Product /= 25%. List of maximum allowable products is the list of products satisfying domestic quality regulations (having certificate of conformance and management system), and has TKDN+BMP Total/= 25%. List of delegation of product authority is the list of products satisfying domestic quality regulations, and has TKDN Total 25%. Products produced by a company get pass-fail evaluation through a test according to the grades that are commonly used in Indonesia. Grades commonly used in Indonesia are as follows. General regulation is as follows.
API is composed of 2 types. API-P (Import License for manufacturing companies) is a permit necessary for companies that import goods to be utilized for their own purpose such as making a new product or used as parts of a product. API-U (General Import License) is a permit necessary for companies that import goods for the purpose of selling imported goods in their original form.
Approved API can be used in all branches in Indonesia as well as in head office regardless of period, but can be issued only one kind of API at a time. Regulation on API announced by the Ministry of Trade is as follows.
API-U and API-P are issued by the director of the local government office(KepalaDinasPropinsi). API-P is issued to the businesses or contractors handling natural underground resources such as energy, oil, natural gas, mineral etc., and doing business activities in cooperation with Indonesian Government. API-P is issued to the companies investing capital in the chairman of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). API shall be reissued from an authoritative organization, but the validity continues as long as API holder keeps import activity. (Up to 5 years from the date of first issuance).
API Policy revised as follows comes into effect from January 1, 2010. API-U and API-P issued by the director of the local government prior to the enactment of the regulation are valid only for 1 year after the regulation is amended. API-T or API-U issued by the Chairman of BKPM before the regulation was confirmed is valid only for 1 year after the Minister regulation became effective. API-K issued by the Director General(DIREKTUR JENDERAL) before the Minister Regulation was confirmed is valid for 3 months after the regulation became effective. Holders of API-U, API-P, API-T, APIT-U and API-K must submit an application for changing to API-U or API-K in accordance with new Minister’s regulations before API-U, API-P, API-T, APIT-U and API-K expires. Minister of Trade Regulation on the grades of general import was amended as follows. Minister of Trade Regulation Number 20/M-DAG/PER/7/2011.
Minister of Trade Regulation Number 27/M-DAG/PER/5/2012. Minister of Trade Regulation Number 59/M-DAG/PER/9/2012. Minister of Trade Regulation Number 84/M-DAG/PER/12/2012. Minister of Trade Regulation Number 27/M-DAG/PER/5/2012 relating to the grade of general import.
API – U Permendag 45/2009 API – U Permendag 27/2012 API –U is issued to an importer handling imported goods as an essential activity for engaging in trade or the one importing goods for the purpose of selling imported goods. API – U is issued to a company importing goods with the purpose of selling the goods. Imported goods are limited to only one kind specified in the goods classification system in accordance with laws. For example, XI textile sector and POS TARIF textile /HS 50.01 S.D 63.10 A company holding API-U is entitled to import more than 1 item A company importing goods based on API-U and a company with a special relationship with the aforementioned company, or a company established by the foreign capital or a company holding API-U that foreign capital is taking a large part of its entire capital. Under current API-U regulation, companies excepting company holding API-U and is forming special relationships with a foreign company are allowed to use API-U only for a single item. ‘Special relationships’ is defined as a relation between company holding API and a company located in a foreign country that carry on transactions based on an effective and appropriate accounting standard as specified below.
A contract to share control in engaging in one kind of economic activity. Possession of stocks.
Basic budget. Dealership contract/Distributor. Capital lease contract or. Supplier contract. After PERMENDAG 27/2012 regulations came into effect, all API-U holders have the responsibility of obeying items stipulated on the API-U regulations.
Types of imported goods that require NPIK as announced on the General Decree (March 7, 2002 NO./DJPLN/KP/3/2002) on foreign trade are as follows. Corn. Rice. Soybean(Pieces as well as in its entirety). Sugar cane or BIT and pure chemical(SUKROSA, DALAM BENTUK PADAT). Fabric and fabric product.
Berita Acara Pemeriksaan Barang
Shoes and feet-related tools. Electronic elements. Toy for children. Procedure and required documents.
Berita Acara Serah Terima Akhir Pekerjaan Konstruksi
Only the companies that already obtained API-U (import permit number for general businesses) and API-P (import permit number for manufacturers) are allowed to obtain NPIK. To obtain NPIK, companies must submit an import application form to the Director General(JENDERAL DIREKTUR) and its copy to the Director(DEREKTUR) in accordance with following regulations as stipulated in the Article (1). SKUP MIGAS SKUP Migas is stands for Surat Kemampuan Usaha Penunjang Migas (Certificate of Business Support Capability of Oil & Gas), which issued by Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (General Directorate of Oil and Gas), based on research results and assessment of domestic production capability, which involves business status, production capability (production result, standard/quality of products, production capability, TKDN and BMP value), management capability (quality/environment/K3), marketing networking and after sales service. The procedure of SKUP Migas submission is as follows: The company shall submit an application for SKUP Migas. Fill out ‘capability of oil and gas supporting business’ form.
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