Sw Tanaka V1 2013

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Sw Tanaka V1 2013

Books.google.com.ua - To what level are invisible stimuli processed by the brain in the absence of conscious awareness? It is widely accepted that simple visual properties of invisible stimuli are processed; however, the existence of higher-level unconscious processing (e.g., involving semantic or executive functions). Invisible, but how?

Sw Tanaka V1 2013 Review

The depth of unconscious processing as inferred from different suppression techniques.

Books.google.com.ua - Vision is the process of extracting behaviorally-relevant information from patterns of light that fall on retina as the eyes sample the outside world. Traditionally, nonhuman primates (macaque monkeys, in particular) have been viewed by many as the animal model-of-choice for investigating the neuronal. What can simple brains teach us about how vision works.

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