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I am wondering, is there a way to play old Minecraft versions such as Indev/survival test? For example, there was a mod called MCnostalgia, but I don't know if it's still available.
I know, half of you are probably going to say, use the edit profile option in the new launcher, but I want to play some versions that the edit profile option does not contain. Is the mod out there? If so, where? Also, is there is any way to legally get old jar files for minecraft and put them In the versions folder? If so where from? I'm not sure about using old jars and the version directory, but I do know this - there is a way to run the old Minecraft.exe in such a way that it downloads to a specific directory - this was originally designed to that one could place a valid Minecraft installation on his or her thumb drive or other removable media and run it from there.
Also out there is a little Java application called Minecraft Version Changer. Using the custom-directory technique, the old launcher, and MVC, it is possible to go back as far as Indev or Classic. A tutorial on the thumb-drive technique which we will be using here can be found at - This will work with the new Launcher, but MVC will only work for the old one, so you'll want to get your hands on a copy of that, which can most likely be found on numerous file-sharing sites.
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If not, contact me personally and I will gladly be of assistance as soon as possible. Also, the MVC may be found. The procedure for setting up MVC is the same as described for setting up a portable directory, only you must make another Batch file exclusively for the MVC so that it does not alter your system's AppData folder.
Minecraft Indev 0.31 Jar
Moving along with that, the MVC executable itself will be placed in the same folder as the Minecraft.exe launcher. Again, if you need assistance, you are very welcome to contact me. I'll be glad to help. Have a nice day.
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