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In discutie a intervenit frecvent si problema,planului ZZ’ sau ‘sfirsitul sfirsitului.’ A existat sau nu un asemenea plan disperat de salvare in extremis a familiei dictatoriale prin reprimarea totala a unei revolte populare? La proces, I. Dinca a aruncat,bomba’ existentei acestei diabolice conspiratii internationale, promitind dezvaluiri. Dar dezvaluirile nu s-au produs.

Condamnatul ne-a relatat ca a aflat de existenta acestui plan la un interogatoriu la care a fost supus in miez de noapte de fostul procuror general N. Popovici si de un numar de alti sase anchetori, cind a fost intrebat despre,ZZ’.

Acest,ZZ’–ne-a spus I. Dinca–reprezenta un acord incheiat de dictator cu cinci guverne, prin care acestea se obligau sa intervina reciproc cu trupe specializate in cazul unor tulburari care sa ameninte existenta guvernelor respective. Dan Ioan (fost procuror militar), Teroristii din ’89Dan Ioan: Un militian care locuia in acelasi bloc cu mine mi-a spus ca, la Militia Capitalei, au fost retinuti ca teroristi si cetateni straini, pe care ii descria ca persoane atletice, si care erau siguri ca nu li se va intampla nimic. Mai retin ca, in fisetul fostului adjunct al procurorului general, au gasit si o lista care cuprindea cca 10 persoane cu nume araba, fara nicio explicatie. Daca ne amintim faptul ca primul avion strain de pasageri sosit la Otopeni a fost din Libia, care ar fi adus ajutoare, putem sa credem si varianta, care circula, ca acel avion i-a recuperat pe libienii vii sau morti si i-a dus in Libia. Putem, de asemenea, sa emitem versiunea ca cel mai bun prieten al lui Nicolae Ceausescu, in persoana fostului dictator libian Muammar Gaddafi, i-a trimis in ajutor luptatori de gherila sau ca acestia erau deja la studii, in special la Scoala Militara a Ministerului de Interne de la Baneasa. Dupa disparatia cuplului Ceausescu, luptatorii respectivi au trebuit sa fie retrasi, evident, cu ajutorul autoritatilor romane din acel moment.

Departe de mine, insa, a crede ca teroristii au fost numai cetateni straini. Daca realmente au existat asemenea teroristi, aciea nu puteau actiona decat incadrati intr-un sistem organizat de acele structuri ale statului totalitar roman a caror singura ratiune de a fi consta in apararea regimului comunist si a conducatorilor lui. Spune: Interesant ca langa cadavrul lui Iosif Costinas au gasit ambalaj de la diazepam, asa cum s-au gasit si in cazul enoriasului lui Tokes, a carui cadavru a fost descoperit intr-o padure de langa Timisoara, cu cateva luni inainte de decembrie 1989.

Oare cu adevarat s-au sinucis amandoi, sau mai degraba au fost ‘sinucisi’? (continuare)2 – Cred ca era pe 23 “teroristii straini activau”; Cineva m-a rugat sa merg sa-l intalnesc undeva in centru Brasovului, dincolo de primarie. Cand am ajuns langa un mic cimitir acolo (langa cimitirul actual al eroilor) soldatii tocmai reusisera sa prinda un individ care semanase panica in zona cu un PSL (pusca luneta) si se ascundea in cimitir. L-au scos de acolo si ii trageau bocanci peste tot pana cand a venit un ofiter/locotenent parca, moment in care eram si eu aproape.

M-am uitat bine la “prizonier” – avea figura de arab, nu vorbea deloc desi cred ca stia/intelegea romaneste, era bine echipat, camuflaj, bine facut parea un mercenar. Ofiterul in cauza a incercat sa-l interogheze fara succes, dupa ce a anuntatse captura la superiori, dar in scurt timp a venit un camion in care s-au suit si l-au dus la “cazarma”; ei stiu unde. In zilele urmatoare am tot asteptat sa vad/aud/citesc cine era individul/teroristul in cauza!? Am asteptat eu mult si bine pana mi s-au lungit urechile ca la iepuri si atunci m-am hotarat relativ subit ca e momentul sa trag cortina, sa ma duc si sa-mi traiesc viata in pace pe meleaguri mai “normale” (asa am visat eu mereu si visul nu ti-l poate lua nimeni!)Un Craciun Fericit! La toata lumea (exclus teroristii, ucigasii, hotzii, pungashii si probabil politicienii) ———————————————————————————- 5.

Arabii- teroristii din crama cetate Inainte de revolutie, se sarbatorea Sf Nicolae si erau mese organizate la crama cetate. La una din mese erau si niste arabi, mai multi care se antrenau la Cincu. La un moment dat a izbucnit un scandal intre unii dintre romanii de la o masa si arabii respectivi. Pentru asta puteti sa-i cereti detalii tot consilierului Contiu care a fost si implicat in scandal fiind invitat la ziua d-nului Tibi Popa. Acolo la cheful respectiv erau mai multe mese organizate si se aflau si alte persoane, inclusiv politisti. Din cauza scandalului, arabilor li s-a ordonat de catre securitate sa se retraga la cincu.

Ca garzile patriotice au primit si armament de la unitatea militara ESTE O MINCIUNA SFRUNTATA! Multi fac doar presupuneri sau bazandu-se pe niste informatii eronate sau partiale, vin acum si fac pe eroii. Ca povestea in care teroristul arab se cinstea in crama de la cetate.:)) Pai daca era terorist se ducea sa bea ca tampitul si sa faca scandal sa-l ia toti in vizor? Sau ca militarul in termen care asculta convorbirile!:)) Adevarul il detin insa oameni care au fost implicati direct atunci si inca mai traiesc! Pentru cei ce mint cu atata nerusinare, sa va fie rusine! ——————————————————————- Liviu Valenas, “Lovitura de Palat: Capii Complotului Se Dezvlauie,” Baricada, nr.

3 Unii “teroristi” au fost evident straini. Nu este intimplator ca pe 25 decembrie 1989, primul avion sosit cu ajutoare a venit din Libia. El insa a plecat plin inapoi, incarcat cu persoane.

In haosul aproape total care domnea atunci, Noua Putere nu a stiut de incarcatura, spre Libia a avionului respectiv (care a decolat de pe Otopeni, cind inca aeroportul era inchis pentru trafic).” Constantin Vranceanu, “Planul Z-Z si telefonul rosu,” Romania Libera, 28 septembrie 1990. Dupa citeva saptamini presedintele unei tari direct implicate a amenintat guvernul roman ca va recurge la represalii impotriva celor citeva mii de cetateni romani aflati cu contract de munca in tara respectiva daca nu vor fi returnati teroristii straini, vii sau morti. Santajul respectiv si-a facut efectul si un avion romanesc a efectuat o cursa mai putin obisnuita catre un aeroport polonez, de unde o “incarcatura” mai putin obisnuita constind in persoane valide, raniti si cosciuge a fost transferata pe un alt avion, plecand intr-o directie necunoscuta. In ziua aceea se stergeau orice urme ale planului “Z-Z More details emerged about this flight late in 1994. Robert Cullen, “Report from Romania: Down with the Tyrant,” The New Yorker, 2 April 1990.

Late the next night, Romanian television showed Ceausescu’s corpse, lying in a pool of blood. After that, the Securitate resistance wilted, although sporadic sniping continued for a week or so. It turned out that not all of the Securitate fighters were Romanian. A ranking member of the National Salvation Front told me that about a hundred of them, including some who fought the longest, were from Syria, Iraq, Libya, and other countries with histories of involvement in terrorism.

They had come to Romania ostensibly as exchange students, but had in fact received commando training. In return, they agreed to serve the Securitate for several years. As these foreigners were captured, and rumors–accurate ones–about their origins began to spread, the Front publicly denied that any Arabs had been involved with the Securitate.

It did so because it wished to avoid any trouble in relations with the Arab world, the Front official explained. I asked what would become of the captured Arab commandos, and he responded by silently drawing his index finger across his throat. Pasaport libian. The violence that has erupted in Romania between the army and state security forces loyal to deposed president Nicolae Ceausescu is rooted in long-standing friction between the two institutions that has sharpened dramatically recently, a high-level Romanian defector said yesterday. Lidiu Turcu, who worked with the foreign intelligence branch of the Department of State Security, known as the Securitate, until his defection in Austria last January, said a special directorate monitored the loyalty of top army officers. As Ceausescu’s paranoia increased, he appointed his brother Ilia as first deputy minister of defense and chief of the political directorate in the army.

The military deeply resented that interference, he said. Also angering the military was the removal several years ago of two high-ranking generals denounced by Securitate informers for cultivating connections at the Soviet Embassy in Bucharest, he said. There have been reports that the two were killed and dumped into the Black Sea from a helicopter, but Turcu said he could not confirm the story.

The well-equipped and dreaded security forces appear to number about 45,000 to 50,000 men, including 25,000 troops who live in barracks on the outskirts of major cities and 20,000 officers, technical personnel, and specialists, he said. That figure is far less than the up to 700,000 reported in recent days in other accounts from the region. The officers and specialists were drawn from universities until several years ago.

But in the 1980s, Turcu said, Ceausescu’s wife, Elena, ordered that recruitment of university students be stopped and that less-educated factory personnel be selected instead. The uniformed force of fighters includes many young men who were taken from orphanages at an early age. These security soldiers, educated and trained at special schools, have no family loyalties and were indoctrinated to view Ceausescu as a father figure, Turcu said.

As Ceausescu’s fear of an internal threat to his security grew, he reportedly turned to a new “Directorate 5″ in the Securitate that had the responsibility for “defense of the leadership of the party.” Presumably this is the force involved in some of the recent fighting. Growing evidence of atrocities perpetrated by the security forces against unarmed demonstrators-shooting into crowds in Timisoara and Bucharest-has raised questions about whether foreign mercenaries may be involved. Turcu said the massacres go against Ceausescu’s dictum of “no martyrs,” which was often repeated to his inner circle. Turcu said he talked yesterday with a friend in Bucharest who reported being forced to evacuate his apartment complex by armed Arab commandos.

The former intelligence official said he was aware of a secret agreement between Ceausescu and Palestine Liberation Organization chairman Yasser Arafat that allowed PLO groups to use Romanian territory for “logistical support.” He said Interior Minister Tudor Postelnicu, who oversaw the security forces, was present at a recent meeting between Ceausescu and Arafat. Romanian cooperation with the PLO began in the late 1960s, Turcu said, but intensified in the past three years. He said rival PLO groups coexist within Romanian territory, but the agreement forbade clashes between these groups and prohibited their possession of arms. One job of the Securitate was to ensure that the PLO factions were obeying the agreement, Turcu said. In addition to the PLO factions, he said, Syrian, Libyan, Iraqi and Iranian military or special operations units have been trained at a camp near Buzau, in the Carpathian foothills. Contrary to reports that the security forces lived lavishly, Turcu said that except for higher salaries, most ordinary officials did not have access to special restaurants and stores stocked with Western electronic goods. He suggested that security officials resorted to corruption and abuse of office to satisfy their needs, which exacerbated the public’s hatred and fanned the fury that burst over the past week.

For verification of some of Turcu’s claims (in particular, the less-discussed participation of Iraqis from Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, see here. CONTACT WITH QADDAFI Tripoli Voice of Greater Arab Homeland – A telephone contact took place between the brother leader of the revolution (Qaddafi) and Ion Iliescu, President of the People’s Committee for National Salvation in Rumania in order to set his mind at rest with regard to the progress of the popular revolution there. The President of the People’s Committee for National Salvation reassured the brother leader of the revolution regarding the successful progress of the popular revolution in Rumania. The President of the People’s Committee for National Salvation saluted the attitudes of the great Al-Fatih revolution and the Libyan Arab people to the people of Rumania and its revolution. President Iliescu informed the brother leader of the revolution that the popular revolutionary leadership does not believe the rumors about the participation of Arabs in the fighting against the popular revolution and said that those rumors were spread by enemies in order to influence our morale, the progress of the popular revolution, and our friendship with the Arabs. President Iliescu confirmed to the brother leader of the revolution that authority will be that of the people because the popular revolution was carried out by the whole Rumanian people. President Iliescu expressed his thanks for and appreciation of the Libyan Arab people for the urgent humanitarian assistance provided by air to the Rumanian people.

Angela Bacescu with the Libyan ambassador to Romania Abu Ghula, Europa ( Est/Vest), no. 94, September 1992, pp.

14-15 The Libyan ambassador discusses how on 25 or 26 December 1989 the then Libyan ambassador went on Romanian television to deny the rumors of Libyans fighting. “What is more, he called for the delivery of any Libyan terrorirsts !“ On 29 or 30 December, Colonel Khadaffi addressed the Romanian people by satellite. “Libya sent 4 planes with humanitarian aid (food, beds, medicine) that landed at Otopeni airport, were unloaded and then returned empty to Libya interesting that he should have to specify that they returned empty to Libya.”.

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We also know from Romanescu and a second source that USLA commander Gheorghe Ardeleanu (Bula Moise) addressed his troops as follows: “On 25 December at around 8 pm, after the execution of the dictators, Colonel Ardeleanu gathered the unit’s members into an improvised room and said to them: ‘The Dictatorship has fallen! The Unit’s members are in the service of the people. The Romanian Communist Party PCR is not disbanding! Acesti emanati, aceste lichele, nu-si puteau face jocurile, acapararea puterii totale, precum si inaintasii lor Dej si Ceausescu, decat prin forta represiunii armate. Parte din armata a reactionat pasnic, datorita onor ofitzeri care au dovedit mai multa logica, parte din armata a jucat rolul de dusman al romanilor.

La Sibiu, avem tot mai multe date care intaresc teoria ca Dragomir a fost teroristul Nr. 1 in acele zile, ajutat si de grupul USLA trimis de la Bucuresti la Sibiu, pentru protectia lui NC, si care s-au reantors la “locul faptei” dupa ce l-a pus pe Nicu in siguranta. Ei au fost aceia care au comis executiile din Piatza Mare in ziua de 21 decembrie ora 11,45 cu primele victime ucise sau ranite. Au fost repartizati in patru puncte ale pietii: In podul Casei Albastre, in podul actualei Primarii, in podul de deasupra Tunelului Generalului si in podul de deasupra magazinului Moda. De aici, au deschis foc inspre demonstranti. Au deschis foc si pe data de 22 decembrie inspre hotelul Imparatul Romanilor din acelasi pod de deasupra Tunelului Generalului care avea corespondent cu celelalte poduri dinspre magazinul Covorul. Aceste grupe ale USLA nu aveau insemne de grad sau arma, nu purtau boneta militara si aveau la dispozitie doua microbuze ale unitatii 01512 care i-a transportat in tot acest timp.

Un grup al USLA era incepand din ziua de 21 decembrie ora 07 la sediul Judetenei de partid, ocupand garajul din curtea din sapate cu munitie si armament special. Se poate descoperi foarte repede, numele persoanelor care au fost trimise la SIBIU cu Rombacul in dupa-amiaza zilei de 20 decembrie, ca urmare a convorbirilor indelungate purtate de Nicu si Bucuresti, despre demonstratia anuntata pentru dimineata zilei de 21 decembrie de la Mag Dumbrava. In timpul convorbirii telefonice, in biroul lui Nicu se afla Traian Popsa, fostul director de la IJIM Sibiu, maiorul Dragomir, seful Garzilor judetene Pescaru, secretar al CJPCR Sibiu si Niculae Hurubean, prim secretar la Alba care se afla in trecere prin Sibiu. Aceste trupe USLA au purtat alternativ, combinezoane negre, uniforma militara sau haine civile Lovitura de stat cu spectatori, cum zice Cornel Dinu, a functionat atata timp cat au avut nevoie pentru a pune mana pe putere acesti derbedei bolsevici-kaghebisti. « Reply #623 on: March 11, 2010, 14:16:55 PM » Acesti emanati, aceste lichele, nu-si puteau face jocurile, acapararea puterii totale, precum si inaintasii lor Dej si Ceausescu, decat prin forta represiunii armate.

Parte din armata a reactionat pasnic, datorita onor ofitzeri care au dovedit mai multa logica, parte din armata a jucat rolul de dusman al romanilor. La Sibiu, avem tot mai multe date care intaresc teoria ca Dragomir a fost teroristul Nr. 1 in acele zile, ajutat si de grupul USLA trimis de la Bucuresti la Sibiu, pentru protectia lui NC, si care s-au reantors la “locul faptei” dupa ce l-a pus pe Nicu in siguranta. Ei au fost aceia care au comis executiile din Piatza Mare in ziua de 21 decembrie ora 11,45 cu primele victime ucise sau ranite. Au fost repartizati in patru puncte ale pietii: In podul Casei Albastre, in podul actualei Primarii, in podul de deasupra Tunelului Generalului si in podul de deasupra magazinului Moda. De aici, au deschis foc inspre demonstranti. Au deschis foc si pe data de 22 decembrie inspre hotelul Imparatul Romanilor din acelasi pod de deasupra Tunelului Generalului care avea corespondent cu celelalte poduri dinspre magazinul Covorul.

Aceste grupe ale USLA nu aveau insemne de grad sau arma, nu purtau boneta militara si aveau la dispozitie doua microbuze ale unitatii 01512 care i-a transportat in tot acest timp. Un grup al USLA era incepand din ziua de 21 decembrie ora 07 la sediul Judetenei de partid, ocupand garajul din curtea din sapate cu munitie si armament special. Se poate descoperi foarte repede, numele persoanelor care au fost trimise la SIBIU cu Rombacul in dupa-amiaza zilei de 20 decembrie, ca urmare a convorbirilor indelungate purtate de Nicu si Bucuresti, despre demonstratia anuntata pentru dimineata zilei de 21 decembrie de la Mag Dumbrava. In timpul convorbirii telefonice, in biroul lui Nicu se afla Traian Popsa, fostul director de la IJIM Sibiu, maiorul Dragomir, seful Garzilor judetene Pescaru, secretar al CJPCR Sibiu si Niculae Hurubean, prim secretar la Alba care se afla in trecere prin Sibiu. Aceste trupe USLA au purtat alternativ, combinezoane negre, uniforma militara sau haine civile.

Ca fost comandant al grupei a II-a de patrundere si capturare din cadrul Militiei doljene, Dinel Staicu a fost bagat pina la briu in evenimentele din „22“. Cind a plecat din politie, in ’92, a luat cu el multe secrete. Dar nu a lepadat uniforma, pina nu a dezvaluit ce rol a avut el pe scena miscarilor revolutionare de la Craiova.

Alur penyelesaian proyek pemerintah sebagai berikut. Local time: 23:44 Explanation: #imho -------------------------------------------------- Note added at 16 hrs (2015-11-12 09:29:48 GMT) -------------------------------------------------- Kalau dalam sistem akuntansi pemerintah, istilah yang lazim digunakan adalah 'Berita Acara Penyelesaian Pekerjaan'. Berita Acara Penyelesaian Pekerjaan >> Berita Acara Pemeriksaan Pemeriksaan Hasil Pekerjaan >> Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan >> Surat Perintah Membayar (Pembayaran). Berita acara pemeriksaan pekerjaan konstruksi.

Shawn Southwick

Reproducem, mai jos, parte din marturiile livrate de ex-capitanul Dinel Staicu, pe 8 aprilie 1992, revistei craiovene Cartel.Dinel Staicu a circulat in zilele acelea fara oprelisti, intrind si iesind in prefectura, de fiecare data fiind inarmat, in ciuda perchezitiilor care i se faceau. Interesant daca in scriptele unitatii din acea perioada figureaza ridicarea armei sale, pentru ca, daca nu, inseamna ca, de acum, fostul ofiter poate sa posede si in prezent arme de foc. Dupa ce a fost consemnat la domiciliu timp de sase zile, pentru portul armei in evenimente, el si-a reluat misiunea: „ De data asta reusesc, il infiltrez atit de bine pe domnul Sandu, imi era doar sef si sefii trebuie sa stea in fata“. Implicat si in cercetarea cauzelor din care se tragea in perioada aceea in Valea Rosie (cartier secerat metru cu metru de gloante), silit de catre fostul comandant al militiei, colonelul Langa, sa-i dau dreptate generalului Rosu, referitor la existenta unor gloante vidia in urma condamnarii la domiciliu, Dinel Staicu incearca o diversiune pentru inlaturarea celor care luasera conducerea (Nisipeanu, Popa), montind studentii aflati pe pozitii in Casa Studentilor. Actiunea lui de atunci a dat gres. La citva timp dupa aceasta, un alt grup de interes din prefectura n-a mai ratat.

El poate fi admirat si astazi in fruntea judetului. La ora aceea, militia facea inca politica. Desi a stat inca in cazarma, securitatea (col. Gheorghe) „a imprumutat d-lui D.

Staicu doua TAB-uri si citiva oameni din plutonul USLA al Securitatii (nu cel al militiei), desi cei de la Securitate primisera ordin sa nu mai ridice armament. Dar dl Staicu venea din partea Frontului.

(purely personal views, based on two decades of prior research and publications; please do not cite without prior author approval, thank you) Despite Ion Iliescu’s fervent and repeated denials to the contrary, leaders of the National Salvation Front, including apparently Ion Iliescu and Silviu Brucan, panicked on 23 December 1989 and requested Soviet military assistance. The reporting from the time seems pretty clear on this point, and what is significant is that it was the Soviets themselves who acknowledged the existence of the request. Here, for example, is a Los Angeles Times report (available on the Internet) by Michael Parks from Sunday 24 December 1989 reporting from Moscow, the previous day’s statements by Soviet officials on Saturday 23 December 1989. Du 22 au 25 decembre, les affrontements se sont concentres aux abords des trois ecoles militaires de Sibiu, du siege de la police et de celui de la Securitate. Il ne reste plus grand-chose des deux batiments a trois etages qui abritaient la police et les services secrets.

Les fenetres ont vole en eclats. Toutes les maisons des alentours, ou s etaient retranches les agents de la police secrete, portent d innombrables traces, et, dans la cour de la police, un blinde leger calcine est observe avec curiosite par les passants. Dans la foule, on raconte comment une dizaine de Securistes (agents de la Securitate) arretes pendant les affrontements de ces derniers jours ont ete lynches par la population qui les a tues a coups de pied et de poing: ” Nous n avons pas de mots pour qualifier ces gens de la Securitate, ils sont pires que des monstres ”, dit une dame d une cinquantaine d annees, qui s interrompt et fond en larmes. Certains ont reussi neanmoins a conserver un certain sens de l humour noir: ” Quand les voitures de la Securitate ont ete brulees devant chez moi, j ai pense que c etait bien la premiere fois qu il faisait chaud dans mon appartement ”, a declare a l AFP une habitante de Sibiu, en faisant allusion a l impossibilite pour les Roumains de se chauffer en raison des restrictions. Le correspondant de MTI revele egalement l existence d unites speciales de la Securitate nommees les ” Chemises Noirs ” qui fonctionnaient selon l exemple de la Loge P-2 (Loge maconnique clandestine italienne). Les plus hauts dirigeants roumains ont appartenu a cette loge clandestine dont notamment l ancien ministre de l Interieur, Tudor Postelnicu, un des chefs de la Securitate, le vice-premier ministre Ion Dinca et le fils du dictateur roumain dechu, Nicu Ceausescu.

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La Securitate etait divisee en 17 unites surveillant toute la Roumanie. Ses bases se trouvaient generalement dans des villas de luxe, precise le correspondant de MTI a Bucarest. Le pain et le sel ont ete partages entre tous dans cette journee de Noel, et les informations captees sur un transistor commentees en termes severes.

Tous sont d accord pour estimer que Ceausescu et son clan s etaient rendus responsables de veritables atrocites durant les 25 ans ou ils ont ete au pouvoir. ” Notre pays etait une sorte de bagne. Non seulement nous n avions aucune liberte, mais en plus, le tyran a fait executer beaucoup de Roumains, uniquement parce qu ils avaient ose resister ou discuter les ordres ”, declare le tanneur. ” Il poursuit son action criminelle encore aujourd hui, alors qu il a ete arrete, a travers les activites de la Securitate, qui mettent le pays a feu et a sang ”, surencherit l ingenieur. La psychose des mercenaires qui seraient a la solde de l ancien dictateur, ajoutee a celle des hommes de la Securitate, a cree, dans toutes les regions traversees par le train, une nervosite tant dans les rangs de l armee que parmi les gardes patriotiques. Cette affaire de mercenaires evoquee dimanche soir a Timisoara, au cours d une conference de presse par le commandant local des gardes patriotiques, a pris de l ampleur au cours de la journee de lundi, et diverses radios ” libres ” locales, captees dans le train, y ont fait allusion. (purely personal views, based on two decades of prior research and publication) Oh, how Romanians and Romanianists love to invoke or allude to the televised claim in December 1989 that the water had been posioned in Sibiu!

It precipitates laughter: ah, the crude manipulation and naivete! Predictably, this is a favorite of foreign sources on December 1989. Romanian emigre Andrei Codrescu tells us in his November 1990 article in Harper’s (“Big Chills”) about the wild rumors of December 1989, that the water in Sibiu had allegedly been poisoned, but as he found out at his 25th anniversary high school reunion, he learned how all the rumors had been false: and the water in Sibiu, it was just fine! John Feffer in Shock Waves (1992) invokes Codrescu’s claims that, “Contrary to earlier reports, there were no mass killings, no poisoned water in Sibiu, no terrorists–only the manufacturing of a revolutionary smokescreen to conceal pre-planned machinations that resulted in the creation of the National Salvation Front.” (p. 207) Peter Siani-Davies quotes BBC journalist John Simpson, who had heard similar stories concerning poisoned water during the Iranian revolution of 1979, as noting that “certain ideas appeal forcibly to the self-dramatizing mind of the revolutionary,” to which Siani-Davies adds: “Indeed, in Romania the wild storytelling to a certain extent was just another consequence of the tumult of the revolution. However, the imagery may have served another purpose.Now, through the tales of horror, they Romanians were able to place the evil forces of that Ceausescu regime so far beyond the bounds of ‘normal’ society that they were effectively able to distance themselves from the demons of the past. There was also a sense in which it was necessary for the securitate to be so terrible: How else could the years of mute suffering under an enfeebled old tyrant such as Ceausescu be explained and condoned?” (Siani-Davies, The Romanian Revolution of December 1989, p.

160.) ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Underlying all of these interpretations and explanations is the assumption that the water never was poisoned, that it was all a baseless rumor. Surely, one assumes, the rumor has been run to groundbut the truth is, as with so many things about December 1989, it hasn’t report from Sibiu starts at approximately 2:20 (Tagesschau ) In fact, there was a basis in reality for what Teodor Brates was saying on TV on the afternoon of 22 December 1989 as the following toxicology report by the Belgian Dr. Aubin Heyndrickx makes clear: Romania On December 21, 1989, people drinking from water tank #4 in Sibiu experienced headache, visual disturbances, loss of consciousness, vomiting, etc. These symptoms are all compatible with organophosphate poisoning.

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The analysis of the water (by gas chromatography) and the determination of the cholinesterase activity of the blood was done in the University of Cluj. The conclusion was that an organophosphate had been used.

Atropine sulfate and toxogonin were advised. As soon as the symptoms appeared among the population, water tank #4 was shut off, rinsed, and cleaned.

The people received water from army trucks. A few days later, there was a fight in Timisoara between the army and Securitate over the water tanks. Poisoning was feared, as had occurred in Sibiu.

According to witnesses, the Securitate possesses “all possible chemical warfare agents.” Toxicologist Aubin Heyndrickx supervised the chemical tests and interviewed the physicians at Central Hospital who treated the patients. From the tests and from the very high dose of atropine required to produce a response, he concluded that the tank was poisoned with sarin or VX (Report on the Humanitarian Mission to Romania, December 23-29, 1989, Laboratoria voor Toxicologie Criminalistiek, State University of Ghent). Indeed, one can watch a brief discussion of the incident with Dr.

Heyndrickx beginning at approximately the 40 second mark from an ITN broadcast of 27 December 1989 ROMANIA: SIBIU AFTER THE REVOLUTION: T27128901 ROMANIA: SIBIU AFTER THE REVOLUTION: United Nations medical 27.12.89 relief team arrives in Sibiu with medical supplies and blood TX to treat the people who were injured during the fight against Securitate (secret police). Toxicologists have found evidence that the security police poisoned the water supply. Injured Securitate are being treated in hospitals alongside the people they shot.

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