J2me_wireless_toolkit 2_2 Windows Exe

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J2me_wireless_toolkit 2_2 Windows Exe

J2ME: J2ME Lecturer Agmon Assaf Ben David Assaf Levy Itay Presentation Abstract Palmtops, Pagers and cell phones are everywhere and the variety is endless. The industry's need for this devices to be able to run and perform almost any task that used to be done on desktops, requires a standard and simple way to develop applications. The solution must suit a variety of platforms and take in care many limitations such as limited memory, small screen sizes, alternative input methods, and slow processors that being small brings with. Recognizing that 'one size doesn't fit all', Sun regrouped its Java technologies into three editions, each is aimed at a specific market segment:.

J2EE - Aimed at heavy duty server systems. J2SE - Aimed at Standard desktop & workstation applications And Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME) - Aimed at Small & memory constrained devices and standardize the use of Java technology in wireless devices. The J2ME architecture had to be modular and scalable due to the diversity of target devices. To achieve this, J2ME provides a range of virtual machines, each optimized to the different processor types and memory footprints. There are three core concepts in the J2ME architecture:. Configuration - defines a minimum platform for a class of devices, with similar memory and processing capacities. It is a complete Java runtime environment, consisting of:.

A Java virtual machine (VM) to execute Java byte code. Native code to interface to the underlying system.

A set of core Java runtime classes. The set of core classes is normally quite small and must be enhanced with additional classes supplied by J2ME profiles or by configuration implementer. Currently, there are two standard configurations:.

Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) - addresses devices with a significant resources limitation, such as cell phones. Connected Device Configuration (CDC) - addresses devices with a higher set of physical resources, like PDAs. Profile - Adds classes to on top of a configuration in order to fill in the missing functionality and to support specific uses of a device. The configuration defines a broad device family, and a profile defines a specialized device category in that family. Currently, there is one final profile. Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) - targeted to Mobile Information Devices (MID) like cell phones.

The MIDP is layered on the CLDC. Optional Package - is a set of APIs in support of additional, common behaviors that don't really belong in one specific configuration or profile. For example there are optional packages for RMI, Bluetooth and JDBC. J2ME advantages include improved security and consistency of applications across platforms and devices, superior user interfaces with graphics, the ability to function off-line out of wireless coverage, peer-to-peer networking and no licensing expenses needed for the SDK, which means that anyone can create an application and market it. J2ME disadvantages include lack of network security infrastructure, lack of functionality in current J2ME implementations, no optimization for download.

J2ME (especially MIDP profile) has a lot of support in the telecommunications industry - Motorola and Nokia in particular are devoting a lot of development effort to supporting MIDP in a wide range of their devices. However, there are few obstacles to the acceptance of J2ME.

J2me_wireless_toolkit 2_2 Windows Exe

The first, most J2ME activity so far has been centered on the MIDP Profile – and not on other J2ME standards. The second is the lack of J2ME-enabled devices. More importantly, though, the cellular telephone market is still a small market for application developers. Demo Overview We have build a MIDlet that acts as an SMS server. The MIDlet listens to incoming SMS events.

If the SMS matches a predefined pattern, it is processed as a command. We have defined a few sample commands:. Add a contact to the device’s phonebook. Flash the backlights. Turn on vibrating mode We will use the nokia connectivity framework to display a demonstration of the SMS server MIDlet. We will use the framework to simulate two phones and the two-way communication between them.

Usage: The demo will setup a server that listens to the exact format of following commands:. ADDCONTACT:NAME#PHONE.

FLASH:TIMEMILLISECONDS. VIBON. VIBOFF Files The zip file contains the following:.

TestMidet.java - Our initial sample that explains on how to use the Form and CommandListener classes. WMAExample.java - Our demo. Running the demo: There are two ways to run the demo:.

J2me Wireless Toolkit-2_2-windows.exe

Using a cell phone emulator. Downloading and running from a cell phone We will detail on how to run the demo on a PC emulator for the cell phone. The emulator can be envoked to run a single J2ME midlet in two ways:. Running the emulator as a standalone application and calling the midlet from within it. This method can also be used via the eclipse J2ME plugin (It will show up as a 'run.' .

Windows.exe Virus

Envoking the emulator from the nokia connectivity framework with a specific application. We will demonstrate the second method. Instructions:. Build your project and compile it. Use either the EclipseME plugin or the Nokia plugin for eclipse to deploy the project.

A.jar and a.jad files will be created in the project folder. Open the Nokia Connectivity Framework. In the framework choose from the menu: Tools-Add Aplication. Browse for the.jad file. The application will be added to the application tree section on the left-hand side of the screen. Choose two phones from the product tree and drag each of them to the Enviornment pane.

Drag the MyMidlet application on to one of the phones. Run the enviorment using the run button.

Note that each of the phones is assigned a virtual number. From the second phone, generate an SMS accodrding to the pre-defined format with the target number of the other phone. The result should be that the reciepient phone will follow the given command. What more can be done?

As always the possibilities are endless. Here are a few ideas:. Add more commands to the demo. For example: Dial someone, take a snapshot with the phone's built-in camera, lock the phone.

Convert your phone to a presentation remote control via Bluetooth. Build a java-based game. You can pretty much do anything that you think your cell phone might be capable of. Installation Instructions This documentation was put together with the items marked in red below on Machine running windows XP SP1.

Java2 SE SDK 1.4.x (Can be downloaded at: ). Java2 SE SDK 1.4.210. The Eclipse IDE (Can be downloaded at: ). Eclipse 3.1. Eclipse 3.0.

Sun WTK (Wireless toolkit). J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 + Patch (Can be downloaded at: ). Nokia's Emulators and SDK. All Nokia Emulators, SDK and tools (Can be downloaded at: ).

EclipseME. version 1.1.0 (supports Eclipse 3.1 only) (Can be downloaded at: ).

version 1.0.0 (either Eclipse 3.0 or Eclipse 3.1 are supported). prior 1.0.0 (support Eclipse 3.0 only) Run the installation file of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 Press the 'Next' button. Press the 'Yes' button. Press the 'Browse' button in order to locate Java2 SDK 1.4.2 Installation and then press the 'Next' button.

J2me_wireless_toolkit 2_2 windows exe free

Press the 'Browse' button in order to select folder where setup will install files and then press the 'Next' button. Press the 'Next' button. Press the 'Next' Button. Press the 'Finish' button.

In order to install the J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 Patch. Unzip the patch file in an existing J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 installation. The patch contains files that replace existing toolkit files. If you have the J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 installed at C: WTK22 (the default location in Microsoft Windows), then the contents of the zip file should replace these four files: C: WTK22 bin zayit.dll C: WTK22 bin zayit.exe C: WTK22 lib j2me-ws.jar C: WTK22 wtklib ktools.zip Run the installation file of the Nokia S40 DP20 SDK 6230i 1.0 Press the 'Next' button. Check the 'I accept the terms of the License Agreement' and then press the 'Next' button.

Choose 'Eclipse' as the required install set and then press the 'Next' button. Select the Eclipse installation directory and then press the 'Next' button. Select the desired location for the installation and then press the 'Next' button. Press the 'Next' button. Press the 'Next' button. Select whether you would like to restart immediately or not and then press the 'Done' button. Run the installation file of the Nokia 3510i Emulator Press the 'Next' button.

Select the 'integrated with Sun J2ME WTK' as the installation type and Press the 'Next' button. Check the 'I accept the terms of the License Agreement' and then press the 'Next' button. Select the desired location for the installation and then press the 'Next' button.

Press the 'Install' button. Installation detailed information can be found at: Configuration detailed information can be found.

How to install Java Wireless Toolkit? Windows. Download. Install Java Wireless Toolkit (run j2mewirelesstoolkit-22-windows.exe).

Run ktoolbar.exe. Linux. Download. Install Java Wireless Toolkit under your home directory. (run j2mewirelesstoolkit-22-linux-i386.bin). Run ktoolbar. Access J2ME in Linux Labs.

Set up the environment. C shell ( source cs898t/bin/jdk.csh) setenv JAVAHOME `echo cs843`/jdk1.5.001 setenv PATH $JAVAHOME/bin:$PATH setenv J2MEHOME `echo cs898t`/WTK2.2 setenv PATH $J2MEHOME/bin:$PATH. Bourne shell (. cs843/bin/jdk.sh) export JAVAHOME=`echo cs843`/jdk1.5.001 PATH=$JAVAHOME/bin:$PATH; export PATH export J2MEHOME=`echo cs898t`/WTK2.2 export PATH=$J2MEHOME/bin:$PATH. Type ktoolbar.

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