Armitron Pro Sport Watch User Manual
Armitron produces a line of digital sports watches with models designed for men and women. These watches come equipped with a variety of basic features, including an alarm and a chronometer; however, to prepare the device for use, the wearer must first input the current date and time.
The setting process remains fairly consistent from one model to the next, but because button arrangements may differ, the user must check the labeling on the watch fact to determine which controls to use. Video of the Day.
Armitron Pro Sport Watch Bands
Step 1 Examine the watch face and locate the buttons labeled “Mode,” “Adjust” and “Alarm.” Press the “Mode” button repeatedly until the time display appears on the watch. Hold the “Mode” button until you see the alarm display appear, then release the button. Hold the “Mode” button a second time to enter the time-setting mode. Step 2 Hold the “Alarm” button. Press the “Mode” button to toggle between a 12-hour and 24-hour display setting. Choose your setting, then release the “Alarm” button to confirm your selection. Hold the “Adjust” button.
Press the “Mode” button to toggle between an American and European calendar display setting. Choose your setting, then release the “Adjust” button to confirm your selection. Step 3 Press the “Alarm” button to set the current seconds setting to zero, then press the “Adjust” button to proceed to the minutes setting. Press the “Alarm” button repeatedly to begin increasing the current minutes setting; if desired, hold the “Alarm” button to cycle through the minutes faster. Press the “Adjust” button to proceed to the hours setting, then use the “Alarm” button to input the desired setting. Step 4 Use the “Alarm” and “Adjust” buttons to input the current date and day of the week. Press the “Mode” button to save your settings.
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Tips. To access the calendar, hold the “Adjust” button; release the button to return to the time display.
To use the chronometer feature on the watch, press the “Mode” button once; use the “Adjust” button to start and stop the chronometer, the “Alarm” button to reset the chronometer or the “Mode” button to return to the time display. Warnings. The watch is water resistant but not waterproof. Do not attempt to press any of the buttons on the watch if the device is immersed in water. While the night light feature on the watch may prove convenient, overuse will drain the device's battery. Copyright © 2018 Leaf Group Ltd.
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